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Tag: Mailbox Database

Error creating new Mailbox Database Exchange 2010

Error creating new Mailbox Database Exchange 2010 When you try and create a new Mailbox Database, you receive the following Error: How do we resolve this error, to start we need to look at our current AD Server settings in Exchange and that can be checked using the following cmdlet.

As we can see…

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Exchange DAG witness in Failed State

Exchange DAG Witness is in Failed State. WARNING: Database availability group ‘DAG01’ witness is in a failed state. The database availability group requires the witness server to maintain quorum. Please use the Set-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup cmdlet to re-create the witness server and the directory. To try and resolve the issue on the DAG , lets have a…

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Removing Exchange 2013 Mailbox Server from Exchange Organization

Decommissioning Exchange 2013 Mailbox Server In this post i will go through the steps used to remove an Exchange 2013 Mailbox Server from the Exchange Organization. Before we can start with the uninstall of Exchange we first need to verify that the server we want to decommission does not have any “System Mailboxes” or “User…


The-Term ‘Clean-Mailboxdatabase’ is not a recognized cmdlet,function, script Exchange 2013

Clean MailboxDatabase Command no longer Valid on #Exchange 2013

Command has  been decommissioned for Exchange 2013 and replaced with Update-StoreMailboxState Update-StoreMailboxState require the GUID of a mailbox to execute so it usually easier to run in combination with Get-MailboxStatistics like the example below Get-MailboxStatistics -Database MDB02 | ForEach { Update-StoreMailboxState -Database $_.Database -Identity $_.MailboxGuid…

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