PowerShell Script to Bulk Disable Exchange Mailboxes.
To ease some of my some of my daily activities , I have created this PowerShell script to bulk disable Exchange Mailboxes.
The script can be executed from a non Exchange PowerShell Console, it will import the Exchange PowerShell cmdlets.
The script imports a csv and runs the disable cmdlets against those mailboxes.
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#Create Exchange PowerShell PSSession $s=New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri <a href="http://lazycas01/powershell">http://lazycas01/powershell</a> -Authentication Kerberos #Import Exchange PowerShell Session Import-PSSession -Session $s -AllowClobber #Import CSV Import-Csv "D:\Softlib\Scripts\Bulk-Disable-Users\DisableMBX.csv" |ForEach-Object{Get-Mailbox -identity $_.Email | Disable-Mailbox -confirm:$false} Write-Host "Mailbox has been disabled Successfully" -ForegroundColor Green |
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