Today i started building new servers installed windows updates and asked to restart. After restart i was prompted with this “beauty” of a message.
First thing i tried to restart the VM with no luck and the same message come back . After some digging i found this article:
Turns out turning of the secure boot does not work and now i have a incomplete configuration in my “SCVMM” console.
So my search for a fix continues 🙂 and i stumbled on an article where the author had the exact same issues “Smiley face ” all the way .
Turns out that there is at least one Windows Update that expects Bitlocker to be installed for “Gen2” VM’s. Thats was great new so i can just enable Bitlocker but i cant get access to the OS as i am stuck on this “Update screen”.
So where to next 🙂 Microsoft Hyper V 2012 R2 allows us to install Windows Features on a VHD which can be done as follows.
Start Server Manager and select the “Add roles and features”
Click through the first couple of pages on the wizard until you get the server selection page.From here you need the “Select a virtual hard” option at the top of the screen then choose the virtual hard disk that has your operating system at the bottom of the screen.
From here it’s exactly the same as method to add a role or feature as normal.
After that i started the machine, the update installed and all was good. 🙂
Twitter: shaun.hardneck
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