Error trying to Join Azure Windows Server to Azure AD DS
You receive the following error message when you try and join an Azure Windows Server VM to Azure Active Directory Domain Services.
“The device is joined to Azure AD. To join the device to an Active Directory domain, you must first go to settings and choose to disconnect your device from your work or school.”
If you navigate to Settings on Windows Server, you will notice that you don’t have the option to add or remove work or school account.
We don’t have the option to remove it because it was auto joined to Azure AD, in order to remove it so we can join it to Azure AD DS we need to run the following command in Command Prompt as an Administrator.
DSRegCmd /Leave
After the command completed successfully, lets go back and join the server to Azure AD DS again.
As you can see above the user can now join the server to Azure Active Directory Domain Services.
If you have any user account lockout errors, you can follow the below link to resolve those errors.
Link: The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to. – ThatLazyAdmin
In the next post, we will look at Azure A ADDS group policies.
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