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How to prevent Microsoft Teams Guest users from inviting Guests.

How to prevent Microsoft Teams Guest users from inviting Guests.

In this short post, we will look at how to prevent guest users in Microsoft Teams from inviting guests.

To get started navigate to

From the admin portal, click on Azure Active Directory.

Click on User Settings

Under External users, click on Manage external collaboration settings

Make sure that the option “Guest can invite” is turn to No

Once set to No click on Save on top

To prevent data leaks to your competitors you can also restrict view domains can review invitations from your Tenant.

To do this click on “Deny invitations to the specified domains” under Collaboration restrictions.

Once you have added your restricted domain, you can click on Save at the top of the page.

That’s who you can quickly add additional security to your tenant.


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Published inOffice 365PowerShellTeams


  1. nirav patel nirav patel

    Does doing this, block access to scheduling live events for Public ?

    • Hi Nirav, No this does not block Live event scheduling, You can look at your Live events Policies Under Meeting.

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