Last updated on Apr 4, 2019
Change the default location for Exchange 2016 Queue Database
The default location for the Exchange Queue Database is in the Exchange install directory under TransportRoles.
The location of the queue database and the queue database transaction logs is controlled by keys in the %ExchangeInstallPath%Bin\EdgeTransport.exe.config XML application configuration file. This file is associated with the Exchange Transport service.
How do you change the location of the queue database and queue database transaction logs?
To modify the default location, the EdgeTransport.exe.config xml file needs to be modified. Launch command prompt as administrator and run the following to open the edgetransport config file.
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Notepad %ExchangeInstallPath%Bin\EdgeTransport.exe.config |
Scroll down till you get to “<appSettings>” and modify the following keys.
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<add key="QueueDatabasePath" value="<LocalPath>" /> <add key="QueueDatabaseLoggingPath" value="<LocalPath>" /> |
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<add key="QueueDatabasePath" value="E:\QueueDB" /> <add key="QueueDatabaseLoggingPath" value="QueueDB" /> |
Now that a new location has been provided, click save and close the edgetransport.config file.
Restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service to complete the process.
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net stop MSExchangeTransport && net start MSExchangeTransport |
The new location will now have the queue database and transaction logs.
Once you’ve restarted the transport service, can the mail.que and the log files in the old location be deleted?
yes, you can remove the old file