Last updated on Apr 4, 2019
Creating Office 365 Safe Links Policy and Rule using PowerShell
To create a new Safe Links policy and rule a connection to Exchange Online Protection needs to be created.
Establish a connection to Exchange Online Protection by doing the following.
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$UserCredential = Get-Credential |
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$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection |
Once the session has been created run the following to import the new session.
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Import-PSSession $Session -DisableNameChecking |
To create the policy, we need to understand what it is the policy need to achieve.
- The policy is enabled.
- Users aren’t allowed to click through to the original URL. This is the default value of the AllowClickThrough parameter, so you don’t need to specify it.
- Users that click on URLs identifies as malicious are tracked for monitoring.
- Urls should be Scanned
- Should be enabled or Internal senders as well
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New-SafeLinksPolicy -Name "Accounts Block URL" -IsEnabled $true -TrackClicks $true -ScanUrl $true -EnableForInternalSenders $true |
Now that a Safe links policy has been created, we need to apply a Safe links rule for the newly created policy.
The safe links rule also has a set of criteria that we need to match and those are.
- The rule is associated with the Safe Links policy named Accounts Block URL.
- The rule applies to members of the group named Accounts.
- The rule doesn’t apply to members of the group named Accounts Department Managers.
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New-SafeLinksRule -Name "Accounts URL Rule" -SafeLinksPolicy "Accounts Block URL" -SentToMemberOf "Accounts" -ExceptIfSentToMemberOf "Accounts Department Managers" |
To get a list of Safe Links Policies you can run:
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Get-SafeLinksPolicy |
To get a list of Safe Links Rules you can run:
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Get-SafeLinksRule |
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