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Skype for Business Front-End Service stuck on Starting caused by McAfee

Skype for Business Front-End Service stuck on Starting caused by McAfee

This is a common issue and can be resolved by running the following cmdlet in PowerShell.

Let’s go ahead and start the reset process.

After the ServiceReset the service is still stuck on Starting. So, let’s move on to try and resolve it.

To continue the troubleshotting steps, I will now use the below cmdlet with ResetType QuorumLossRecover

After waiting for the service to start, it still did not start so now I started looking at Windows update and what else could have caused the service just to fail without any sign.

After some checking I found that there was a new McAfee patch installed, so I went and removed that patch.

Trying to uninstall I was confronted with this pain of a message .

Next option remove the McAfee Agent from the server and restart the server.

After the removed of McAfee agent all services started working again.

$^%^&^% …. McAfee

Conclusion make sure the Av guy has all the needed directories for the exclusion lists.


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Published inSkype For Business

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