Exchange 2010 Mail User still Associated with a Move Request
Mail User Object in Exchange still showing as if it is listed to a Move Request
To verify if we have any Move requests currently in progress or completed we can start by Opening the Exchange Shell.
Once the EMS is open type the following #OneLiner.
1 |
Get-MoveRequest |
The Results will Show current in Progress and Completed “MoveRequests”
By looking at the Current lift of “Completed and InProgress MoveRequest” the user that I am having an issue with is not listed but yet its still showing in the EMC as being part of a “MoveRequest”.
What is next ? How to remove this ?
We can Launch “ADSI Edit” and Select “Default Naming Context”
Once Connected Navigate to the affected user then right click and select properties.
Next Click on “Filter” bottom right corner and select “Show only attributes that have values”
Now that we only have the “attributes with values” showed scroll down till you see “msExchMailboxMoveRemoteHostName” select it then click Edit.
Remove the current value that is listed by clicking on “Clear”
After clicking on “Clear”
Click “Ok” then “Ok” again to close the user properties screen.
Once this has been done , go back to the Exchange Console and refresh the Mail User Objects and the Move Request Icon on the user account will no longer be there.
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