View Default Exchange 2016 message throttling settings
Message throttling refers to a group of limits that are set on the number of messages and connections that can be processed by an Exchange server. These limits include message processing rates, SMTP connection rates, and SMTP session timeout values. These limits work together to protect an Exchange server from being overwhelmed by accepting and delivering messages. Although a large backlog of messages and connections may be waiting to be processed, the message throttling limits enable the Exchange server to process the messages and connections in an orderly manner.
To see the values of these server message throttling settings, run the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:
1 2 3 4 |
Write-Host "Transport service:" -ForegroundColor yellow; Get-TransportService | Format-List MaxConcurrent*,MaxConnection* ,Max*OutboundConnections; Write-Host "Mailbox Transport service:" -ForegroundColor yellow; Get-MailboxTransportService | Format-List MaxConcurrent* |

These values can be modified by using the following:
1 |
Set-MessageTransportService |
1 |
Set-TransportService |
As a note of caution Microsoft recommends that you don’t modify some of these values unless directed by a Microsoft Customer Service Support.
Get more details on “Understanding message rate limits and throttling” Here:
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